Extrait du blog de Stéphanie - cette pratique a été écrite le 7 août 2011 :
August 7 2011 - Purposeful Practice #32: Nurture Your Dreams!
**AMIS FRANCOPHONES… La version française de tout site internet et blog peut s’obtenir facilement: allez sous http://translate.google.ch, puis tapez le lien complet (NOTE: la traduction n’est pas d’un français très gracieux et/ou correct, mais elle donne une idée du contexte).
Friends, when something is dear to our heart, we must nurture the vision that it will happen – and, for it to happen, surrender to the timing as to when the Source/God/the Universe will bring it to us.
When our dream is purposeful and with an aim to add some light into our world… the dream WILL happen.
We must TRUST that it will happen when all the necessary pieces (lessons) of the puzzle of our life have been purposefully placed. On the other hand, when the dream is pure selfishness or ego-driven (for fame, money or sole self-fulfillement)… it will unlikely happen. Or it can happen, though we must understand that there will be a dose of hardship and struggles to ‘make it happen’ or once it is there, for each one of us has some specific lessons to learn. If these lessons haven’t been learned prior to the dream taking physical form (for example when we forced something to happen according to ‘our’ timing, ‘our’ preferences, etc), the journey will be rocky.
When we try to make or force things to happen,
we work against the higher plan that was designed for us.
All becomes ‘hard work’, as if driving our boat upstream…
Now, let’s be aware that the dream can birth in our heart with the right intent… but with ego involved. In this case, it is just matter of timing for things to fall into place. When we continue to nurture the dream (visualizing it to take form; planting seeds by sharing the vision with some specific people; feeling the joy in our heart as we ‘live it’ in our intentions, etc), our life lessons occur naturally (the pieces of the puzzle) and things are being put together in its perfect and Divine Timing. And, as one of my favourite expressions goes: “Don’t quit 5 minutes before the Miracle happens” - Doreen Virtue.
This past week, I was blessed to be kidnapped for (treated with!!) a one-week vacation in Greece. Beautiful resort, warm sun, inviting emerald-blue waters, tranquility… and divine connections: my big dream was divinely and naturally nurtured. My purposeful dream is to invite people (men, women – couples or singles) on ‘Purposeful Adventure Getaways‘ to
- restore the spark in their own heart, (= MORE LIFE and HEALTH)
- rekindle the life and passion in their body and soul, (= MORE PASSION)
- reconnect with the power of LOVE, (= MORE PEACE and HEALTH)
- redefine the purpose of LOVE in their life, (= MORE SUCCESS with all of their dreams- in love, in health or with finances)
and, for those who have chosen to share their life with a partner
- re-energize their relationship (= MORE FUN, MORE INTIMACY, MORE PURPOSE)
WAOW!… just writing and sharing with you the essence and purpose of my dream makes me shiver. Mmmmmm…
Now, I certainly cannot say that I had given up on this dream… however, obviously, with the loss of my own relationship, it was not so obvious to me anymore that I would inspire couples to open their heart deeper to each other. But what I know is true is that I love LOVE and I LOVE the dance between the masculine and feminine hearts. I just am passionate about it. I live it and for it every day.
This past week, I came to realize a few things:
… And so I indulged in the Purposeful Gift of this one-week retreat to nurture my dream again – as purposefully as ever. Without any attachments (though with some wonderful excitement in my heart), I smile as I welcome the possibility that an upcoming ‘Purposeful Adventure Getaway’ could very well be in Greece, on the breathtaking island of Kos that I just discovered.
I am open - I am willing – I am ready – I LOVE my Purposeful Dream!
This week, I invite YOU to (re)connect with YOUR dream and take some time to nurture it.
- Have you given up on YOUR dream?
- Have you found ways to convince yourself that it is not possible – or that you were not ‘good enough’ or ‘ready enough’?
- Have you become so busy that you don’t have time to dream anymore? (never mind the ‘time’ to receive your dream!!)
- Have you let other people tell you that your dream is stupid or that you can’t do it?
- Have you let yourself get trapped in a routine, in a lifestyle or in a relationship that doesn’t have room for your dream?
- Have you simply stopped dreaming?
This week, my friend, allow yourself to dream again!
With all of my Love,
August 7 2011 - Purposeful Practice #32: Nurture Your Dreams!
**AMIS FRANCOPHONES… La version française de tout site internet et blog peut s’obtenir facilement: allez sous http://translate.google.ch, puis tapez le lien complet (NOTE: la traduction n’est pas d’un français très gracieux et/ou correct, mais elle donne une idée du contexte).
Friends, when something is dear to our heart, we must nurture the vision that it will happen – and, for it to happen, surrender to the timing as to when the Source/God/the Universe will bring it to us.
When our dream is purposeful and with an aim to add some light into our world… the dream WILL happen.
We must TRUST that it will happen when all the necessary pieces (lessons) of the puzzle of our life have been purposefully placed. On the other hand, when the dream is pure selfishness or ego-driven (for fame, money or sole self-fulfillement)… it will unlikely happen. Or it can happen, though we must understand that there will be a dose of hardship and struggles to ‘make it happen’ or once it is there, for each one of us has some specific lessons to learn. If these lessons haven’t been learned prior to the dream taking physical form (for example when we forced something to happen according to ‘our’ timing, ‘our’ preferences, etc), the journey will be rocky.
When we try to make or force things to happen,
we work against the higher plan that was designed for us.
All becomes ‘hard work’, as if driving our boat upstream…
Now, let’s be aware that the dream can birth in our heart with the right intent… but with ego involved. In this case, it is just matter of timing for things to fall into place. When we continue to nurture the dream (visualizing it to take form; planting seeds by sharing the vision with some specific people; feeling the joy in our heart as we ‘live it’ in our intentions, etc), our life lessons occur naturally (the pieces of the puzzle) and things are being put together in its perfect and Divine Timing. And, as one of my favourite expressions goes: “Don’t quit 5 minutes before the Miracle happens” - Doreen Virtue.
This past week, I was blessed to be kidnapped for (treated with!!) a one-week vacation in Greece. Beautiful resort, warm sun, inviting emerald-blue waters, tranquility… and divine connections: my big dream was divinely and naturally nurtured. My purposeful dream is to invite people (men, women – couples or singles) on ‘Purposeful Adventure Getaways‘ to
- restore the spark in their own heart, (= MORE LIFE and HEALTH)
- rekindle the life and passion in their body and soul, (= MORE PASSION)
- reconnect with the power of LOVE, (= MORE PEACE and HEALTH)
- redefine the purpose of LOVE in their life, (= MORE SUCCESS with all of their dreams- in love, in health or with finances)
and, for those who have chosen to share their life with a partner
- re-energize their relationship (= MORE FUN, MORE INTIMACY, MORE PURPOSE)
WAOW!… just writing and sharing with you the essence and purpose of my dream makes me shiver. Mmmmmm…
Now, I certainly cannot say that I had given up on this dream… however, obviously, with the loss of my own relationship, it was not so obvious to me anymore that I would inspire couples to open their heart deeper to each other. But what I know is true is that I love LOVE and I LOVE the dance between the masculine and feminine hearts. I just am passionate about it. I live it and for it every day.
This past week, I came to realize a few things:
- My feminine heart naturally invites ladies to open up to THEIR feminine essence and beauty… therefore to LOVE
**That I have a partner or not beside me doesn’t change anything in this Divine Invitation! – DUH! - My whole being (truthful and joyful heart – as described by others) is contagious and naturally invites people (men and women) to open up to their own truth and light… therefore to LOVE
**That I have a partner or not beside me doesn’t change anything in this Divine Invitation! – DUH! - Obviously, some pieces of my puzzle were missing – and some at the wrong place (i.e. I had to move back to Europe and make room in my heart for another LOVE story: a yet deeper LOVE for myself, and with the chaotic ride I had gone through with the loss of the beautiful LOVE I had with my husband).
… And so I indulged in the Purposeful Gift of this one-week retreat to nurture my dream again – as purposefully as ever. Without any attachments (though with some wonderful excitement in my heart), I smile as I welcome the possibility that an upcoming ‘Purposeful Adventure Getaway’ could very well be in Greece, on the breathtaking island of Kos that I just discovered.
I am open - I am willing – I am ready – I LOVE my Purposeful Dream!
This week, I invite YOU to (re)connect with YOUR dream and take some time to nurture it.
- Have you given up on YOUR dream?
- Have you found ways to convince yourself that it is not possible – or that you were not ‘good enough’ or ‘ready enough’?
- Have you become so busy that you don’t have time to dream anymore? (never mind the ‘time’ to receive your dream!!)
- Have you let other people tell you that your dream is stupid or that you can’t do it?
- Have you let yourself get trapped in a routine, in a lifestyle or in a relationship that doesn’t have room for your dream?
- Have you simply stopped dreaming?
This week, my friend, allow yourself to dream again!
- Make time to (re)connect with my dream
Do believe that ALL is possible!
Check in your heart the purity of your dream, the ‘WHY’, its purpose… and what difference your dream would make in our world? - Make room for my dream
Remember that if your life is too busy, too full or unorganized, there is no room for your dream. - Inspire and encourage others to ’Nurture Their Dreams!’:
This week, commit to make a difference in at least ONE person’s life. Invite and inspire them to Nurture Their Dreams. Reach out to them, offer them the gift of your LOVE and support. Share with them what you have learned from this step and how it has helped you create magic and amazing results in your life (it will!!!). Open your heart to them, to their fears… Offer them kindness, a listening ear… Invite them to PLAY and to be a part of our ‘love family’ by joining their heart to the Purposeful Practices that we do weekly and collectively.
With all of my Love,